Monday, June 16, 2008

Chocolate milk...

...the thing that inspired me to this Blogtitle. I was drinking hot chocolate milk and had to think of Rufus Wainwright's song "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" and in my head I was singing the lyrics...and the line "Playing with prodigal sons, takes a lot of sentimental valiums" was stuck in my head. Sentimental Valiums - I like that phrase. But I don't say that sentimental valiums are good but sometimes we need them, sometimes we want to numb our feelings with sentimental valiums...

Anyway, before this first post gets too philosophical and weird, let's start with some real stuff.

Well, not now. ;)

As you can see, this blog is a total mess at the moment - ugly design, no graphics, boring and horrible to look at (ugh, that green!) but I will try to change that soon.
Because I've aready wrote around 5 pages today I'm not feeling like writing anymore, so the first real entry will come tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.

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