Monday, September 8, 2008

back to (blogging)life


Quite a while has passed since my last post...sorry for that. But I was too exhausted/uncreative/sluggish for writing a new entry...Finally, here it is ;)

Sooo, where to begin...
Work is fun, but it has been quite busy for the last few weeks, but I won't bore you with that. What's more important - some quite important decisions concerning my future have to be made in the next few weeks. It's not fun at all, since I hade making decisions ;) I don't want to write too much about it, since everything is just developing and nothing has been settled yet.

Anyway, last weekend I (finally) drove to Frankfurt to visit a good friend from my university. It was a really cool weekend and it was soooo good to see him again :)
And Frankfurt is a really nice city. Smaller than Munich, but so much cooler, imo. I don't know why, but I felt much better there than in Munich. The thing with munich is, that the city itself is quite nice. The buildings are old and nice, the streets are old and nice, the traditions are old and...well, nice...but the people are old (or young) and not so nice. And the whole atmosphere in munich is a bit weird. It's really hard to find the right words for it, but every city has a special atmosphere for me. Salzburg, for example, had a nice atmosphere, I was very comfortable there. London or Vienna, two totally different cities, have a good atmosphere too (at least for me). Ancona (Italy) was the first city I visited where I thought "oh, I want to get out of here". I don't know why, because the city is really nice and sunny...but I had such a strange feeling the whole time I was staying there. It's similar with Munich. I don't hate the city, it's just that I don't feel too comfortable here.
2 weeks ago I went downtown after work to meet a friend. I was too early (as always) so I strolled around the meeting point and that was the point when I realized that I don't want to spend the rest of my life in munich (not that I was considering it anyway, but you was just one of those enlightening moments). The people that passed me, small things like the silly newspaper headlines on the newspaper stands, the terrible supermarkets, the chaotic street system, unfriendly people who shouted at passing cars...everything happened around me, and I felt like screaming. That was the point where I made the decision - I don't want to stay in Munich longer than necessary. It's just not my town.
But who knows, maybe I will change my mind. Of course, munich has some really lovely places. The "Gärtnerplatz" or the area around the Sendlinger Tor are really nice parts of Munich...but it's still Munich, even if it tries to look like some italian city.

Another thing I was thinking about on my way home today - all the people who I met in life so far. Especially old school mates. It's shocking how I lost touch with most of them. Even some really close friends from elementary school, which I considered to be my "childhood friends" - no contact at all. It's sad, but that's how life goes, I guess. There are just a few people from my school time that I'm still in touch with, but they are really good and close friends...which is good, I guess.

However, it's getting quite late and before I bore you to death with more of my "thoughts"...I better go to bed now ;)

Here are some pictures from Frankfurt/Mainhattan :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but you're staying in Munich til the oktoberfest aren't you? :O